
Or: watch an idiot make fake languages, free of charge

I may not really know what a "clause" is or how to derive from roots, I don't understand how glosses work, and I definitely can't read fluent IPA, but I'm here to write words, make stuff up, and have a good time, and you can't stop me!!

All conlangs put here belong to EGGRAMEN and the person behind it, unless otherwise stated. Inspiration is understandable, but using any of these as a template is ill-advised, and direct copying without credit or permission is just plagiarism.

All conlangs here are subject to change and may be altered in surprising or dramatic ways as I figure my shit out.

EDIT 6/8/2019: i really had a typo in the title this whole time, huh.

Font Warning

Most of my conlangs use custom font to display their alphabets, so if you don't allow webfonts, you will probably see some duplicated text in various places. Turn web fonts on for the best experience! (Or don't, I guess. I'm not the boss of you.)

Personal Conworld Langs

Several conlangs for a shared fictional setting.


samyūn sa naūkeman tūin angha na!

My first conlang on this site, and probably also the most fleshed out. Has an alphabet and a decent amount of grammar. Currently getting an orthography update.


ca ke kíwedna, kawen uín konis díipa.

Meant for a fantasy setting. Shares most of its writing system with Naūkeman.

Ewa Sio

hoi metheo?

A mostly isolating language with almost entirely "soft sounding" consonants. Meant to sound vaguely musical. Has an ajbad-like writing system. Shares conworld with Sateca'an and Naūkeman.

And more coming soon...


Alternian Alternaya


A fan-conlang for Andrew Hussie's Homestuck, using Hiveswap's writing system.

Recently and currently under revision for various reasons including but not limited to: improving sound frequency accuracy, accounting for a newer canonical b/p distinction and other rogue phonemes introduced by Hiveswap, properly notating and representing certain phonological quirks like trill coarticulation and spreading, and revamping the verb conjugation system yet again because it still bugs me and I don't like it.

Also has a font testing page for the two handwritten Alternian alphabet fonts I made.
