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Cool sites and places elsewhere on the web.
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Fun and interesting sites I've found on Neocities.
Theme Kings: a site offering "Old School Fixed Width" website layouts and code snippets.
Font End Dev: a site of a hobbyist font maker, with a bunch of really nice free (CC-BY-4.0 license) pixel fonts.
Language Creation Society (Conlang.org): the big one. Loads of resources, in person events, multiple blogs (including a conlanger blog aggregator), a word generator, and a directory of a bunch of conlang-related communities.
Rivendell's Index of Constructed Languages: exactly what it sounds like. A fellow Neocities user's attempt to collect as many online conlangs as he could find on one page. Includes a few of mine! This was inspired by...
Richard Kennaway's list of conlangs: an older list with 312 internet conlangs. A lot of dead links, though, sadly.
Zompist: a personal site with a bunch of conlangs and associated conculture worldbuilding. Also another word generator, a sound changer tool, and the oft-recommended Language Construction Kit (the link on the Homepage will take you to the full purchasable book version; this one is shorter but online and free.)
VulgarLang: a random conlang generator for fantasy writers and roleplayers. Free and logged-out users can choose some traits (like basic phonetics and a few rules), while paid logged-in users have a fuller range of customization. Generates a small vocabulary and basic grammar with noun classes, plurals, derivation, etc. I've found it uses grammatical gender too often for my liking, and it's a little janky and samey for grammar, but if you want a quick language for a D&D game or whatever, it's a cool tool.
Henry Theiling's (Con)Language Resources: an old site from the 2000's with several handy conlanging tools, documentation of conlang relay rings (basically a game of telephone with conlang translation), a mailing list, and the webmaster's own languages.
Joerg Rhiemeier's Conlang Pages: (subsection of a) personal site of Joerg Rhiemeier, including the webmaster's own conlangs, conlanging meta, and related links.
Justin B Rye's web pages: personal site containing both conlanging content and general SF/F fandom commentary, meta, linguistics, and other nerdery.
No Words For Snow: a conlang for Alternian (eyyyy hi guys) hosted primarily on Tumblr. Been on hiatus for a while but neat to look at. This is where I got the idea for my Alternian noun classes from! :)
Picono Chipochi Cipi Minichi: Ri: a conlang for the Minish/Picori from The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap. Doesn't have its own website, but is hosted on Ao3 and Tumblr. I'm linking it anyway because I think it's cool.
Hallowspeak: site of a (WIP) Hollow Knight conlang, based on the voicelines from the game itself. No publicly viewable vocab or grammar or anything, but a pronunciation guide and blog updates (including some tantalizing details...), and links to the project discord for more info.
tokipona.org: official website of the popular minimalist conlang toki pona. Loads of resources, links to translations and usage of the language and toki pona media, and reference materials.
lipu sona pona: a compilation of Toki Pona resources and language lessons.
Brass Lantern: an old website about (text) adventure games! Lots of cool links, articles, and reviews. Last updated 2010, though. :(
Textfire: a collection of several old adventure game/IF-related websites, rehosted on plover.net (a Linux-based shared host for several IF-related sites.) Some internal links are broken, but it's still a really neat window into the circa 2000s IF community.
AllThingsJacq: website of another cool IF creator, including reviews and transcripts from community playthroughs of old competition games.
E BLONG: website of Zarf, another well-known IF creator. Has a bunch of cool text adventures and miscellany.
Generic Geek Girl: website of Adri Mills, yet another cool IF creator. The "games" section has a bunch of fun, short IF to play!
Parchment: a JS-based in-browser VM for playing interactive fiction games!
IFDB: the Interactive Fiction Database, "an IF game catalog and recommendation engine". You may have heard of it! Also has trackers for various IF competitions, jams, and showcases.
Eastgate: serious hypertext: a website for hypertext dating back to the 1980's, offering both (commercial, very out of date) hypertext writing software and a "reading room" of published work. A really interesting little time capsule.
File770.com: online version of File 770, a long-running scifi fanzine.
Fanfic Symposium: a collection of old rants/essays about fanfiction, from (mostly LJ communities) 1999-2006.
The Fanfiction Webring: a modern Neocities webring for small, personal fanfiction websites!
Golden Sun Realm and Golden Sun Syndicate: two neat Golden Sun fansites with lots of good reference material. Golden Sun Realm used to have an eFiction fanfic archive, but that seems to have vanished sometime circa 2018. If it had a forum (I think it did?), that's gone too. At least Syndicate's forums are still archived, if only in read-only mode.
MSPA Forums Archive.org Thread Index: a huge index of wayback machine archived threads from the now-defunct official MSPA Forums. Includes multiple fanventures, a fanmade Pesterchum program, and Toby Fox dropping the infamous album The Baby Is You. (Yes, it was hilarious. Yes, he did get banned.)
If an archived thread link doesn't work, try appending a dash and the thread name after the string of numbers in the URL. (E.g., "mspaforums.com/showthread.php?22769" ==> "mspaforums.com/showthread.php?22769-Art-Forum-Rules")
Oddity Collector: Hosts two Homestuck fanworks -- Life Is Out of Season, a twine IF, and Mr. Tambourine Man, an ongoing fanventure.
BGReco's HQ Audio Homestuck Flashes: collection of HS flashes, mostly in MP4 format, with higher quality audio. Walkarounds seem to be broken, sadly.
MOTHER 3 / Earthbound Fan Translation: a cool project offering an unofficial English translation for ROMs of Mother 3 / Earthbound.
Hallowspeak: site of a (WIP) Hollow Knight conlang, based on the voicelines from the game itself. No publicly viewable vocab or grammar or anything, but a pronunciation guide and blog updates (including some tantalizing details...), and links to the project discord for more info. (Also listed in the conlangs section of this page.)
Vixy And Tony: website of a filk band from Seattle with multiple recorded albums.
Pegasus Awards: official site of the Pegasus Awards, a part of the Ohio Valley Filk Fest.
Some So-Called Music: a collection of filk lyrics by Rich Brown, plus links to various other filk resources.
Kay Shapero's Filk section: song lyrics, plus an FAQ, glossary, and general intro to filk and some of the culture built up around it, and links to a bunch of other early filk-related resources.
Conflikt: a filk con hosted in the PNW.
Maureen O'Brien's Filkbook: contains both a songbook of the webmistress's own filk (plus a couple of MP3s), and a directory of "Damn Near All the Filk on the Web" (circa 2003).
The Virtual Filksing: a treasure trove of MP3s of early filk, hosted by filk record seller Prometheus Music (which also hosts the songbook of famous early filker Leslie Fish.)
Songworm: the website of Bob Kanefsky, another cool filker. Has a huge songbook collection, directories for links to filk albums, a directory of other filkers, and some miscellanous essays and other material.
Susan Stepney's filk index: another collection of songs, and various filk-related links. Part of a general science fiction section of the webmistress's site, which also includes book reviews, fun facts, a blog, an unrelated music page, and an all purpose disclaimer.
Xenofilkia: a filk zine, still coming out monthly as of 2020.
Chimera Chords: a member of the Filker's Bardic Ring back when webring.org still worked. Boasts a small songbook and partial recordings of melodies for several songs. (Fair warning for eyestrainy color scheme though -- hyperlink blue and lime green on saturated purple was all the rage, it seems.)
The Filker With No Nickname: wayback machine archive of Mark A. Mandel's filk site and songbook.
As Inclination Leads Me: filk section of the blog As Inclination Leads Me, with personal anecdotes and some fun lyrics.
Seanan McGuire: Songbook: full filk songbook of prolific fantasy author and filker Seanan Mcguire, as part of her personal site.
Filk resources on the Internet: old and full of broken links, but those unbroken lead to many more treasures! Keshlam's site has some other lyrics and neat resources as well.
tevis thompson: personal website of game critic with some interesting essays and other writing, especially about The Legend of Zelda.
Neil Cicierega's Homepage: (exactly what it sounds like)
Cyphertext.net: very old website of Vixy and Tony back when they were still Escape Key, with links to a number of their old sites, projects, filk, etc.
Entropy House: an old site with cosplay tutorials, essays, fanfiction, poetry, and shenanigans, mostly Lord of the Rings related.
billwurtz: Bill Wurtz's personal site, with downloadable mirrors of his music and videos, some instrumentals and lyrics, a microblog, a massive questions page/AMA, and loads of interesting bits and bobs.
Muffiny Miscellany: the site of Dizzy P. Slightly Voided. Has a blog, Touhou comics, fanfiction, art, games, and other stuff. Currently offline due to technical issues; follow link at your own risk.
Seanan McGuire: website of prolific urban fantasy author Seanan McGuire. Has a bunch of short story extras for the October Daye and Incryptid series, a cryptid field guide, the entire original first volume of Velveteen Vs. The Junior Super Patriots, a blog, several silly and serious FAQs, and her extensive personal filk songbook.
Brad's Stuff (BGReco): site with a bunch of interesting utilities, plus some fandom related stuff, including a few Homestuck-related pages.
Micheal Guy Bowman: website of another cool musician from the Homestuck Music Team!
Casual Villain.com: art website of Ashley Cope, the artist of the webcomic Unsounded.
Realm of the Dragoneers: personal site of L.P. Hogan, hosting several projects including a treasure trove of (A)D&D homebrew and related materials, the "Webcomic Crossover and Cameo Archive", and "Webcomics Offline" (a project for finding physical print copies of webcomics.)
Dykes to Watch Out For: website of Allison Bechdel, including an archive of the comic the site is named for.
Peter's Homepage: site of Peter Molnar, including Linux tinkering, photography, thoughts on the web and technology, and a travel blog.
Releska: site of a translator and musical arranger does a lot of Vocaloid/UTAU/SynthV/etc lyric translations. Sometimes takes song requests.
Laura Michet's Blog: blog of a video game writer (as in, writes for video games), cyclist, and transit enthusiast.
everest-pipkin: personal site of Everest Pipkin, featuring games and IF, art projects, and writing, mostly on the topic of digital narratives and technology.
tea makes games: mostly experimental short games made by Theia "Tea" Bähr.
Marginalia Search: a search engine prioritizing small-web, text-heavy websites and lots of serendipitious wandering.
proxy.vulpes.one/gemini/: a proxy for viewing pages using the gopher and gemini protocols, for those of us who are curious but not quite invested or tech-savvy enough for a dedicated browser. (Currently unavailable due to SSL issues...)
Tildeverse Gopher Proxy: another proxy of the gopher protocol, hosted by Tildeverse.
special.fish: a tiny experimental social network, similar in style and hosting setup to tilde.club. The owner also has a personal site with some other projects maybe of interest?
Midnight Pub: a small internet message-board available over web and gemini protocols. Limited to logged-in users only, with accounts given by request.
Smol Pub: a bare-bones microblogging service by the same creator as Midnight Pub and Nightfall City, also available over web and gemini.
memetides: a playful, friendly, and shitposting-heavy "forum for forum's sake". As the welcome post puts it, "If for some reason you ended up here and aren’t familiar with the Instagram, memetides is a leftist shitposting aggregator meme account. Let this inform your experience here. <3"
SereneDistraction: a "casual creative arts community" that allows guest/non-user participation.
posting.cool: another very shitposty smallweb forum.
Bus Stop: a small, ephemeral imageboard where all posts disappear after 24 hours.
Postbox Garden: another small imageboard, this one very slow-moving. All posts must be in the form of uploaded pictures of postcards.
goblin.band: "an attempt to replicate the collective creative energy that happens on tumblr and take it to the fediverse".
leprd.space: free hosting for small, personal sites.
tilde.club: a bunch of tiny sites hosted on a shared Unix computer.
tildeverse: a whole collection of various modern tildespaces!
Tentacle.Net: a free (but seemingly closed/invite-only) host with a few dozen users and sites.
Marigold Town: a small free webhost with a "small-town vibe", where sites are framed as plots of land maintained by the town's residents.
Xepher.net: free hosting for creative websites, with an associated community and forum. This one's really old-school.
Ichi: another small homepage host with a simple aesthetic. Has a front page showing various sites and user pages showing update logs.
Squidge.org: another old-school host with a focus on fandom sites. Offers image hosting, webhosting (with a directory of sites here), and also hosts SquidgeWorld, an independent fanfiction archive running OTWArchive software (i.e. the same as AO3).
Teacake Hosting: hosting aimed at small personal and hobbyist websites. Has very cheap plans ($2~3/mo) and a free tier.
NearlyFreeSpeech.NET: a slightly unconventional host with PAYG hosting and very broad acceptable use policy.
Disroot: email, cloud, chat, filehosting, and various other things.
envs.net: a "minimalist, non-commercial shared linux system", hosting services such as gitea (a git host), their own file host and URL shortener, and instances of cryptpad (Google Docs alternative), Pleroma (fediverse Twitterlike), and searXNG (search engine).
kavin.rocks: hosts instances of Piped (a youtube frontend), searXNG, Nitter (twitter frontend, often rate limited), Libreddit (Reddit alternative, also often rate limited), Lemmy (federated Reddit alternative), and Jitsi (online conference call/Zoom alternative).
PrivacyDev: hosts instances of various privacy-respecting front-ends. Also has some software recommendations and interesting privacy comparison rundowns. Available over clearnet (i.e. normal internet) or Tor.
PussTheCat.org: instances of various FOSS/privacy-respecting frontends. Also hosts a few game servers.
seasi.dev: various frontend instances including Redlib, AnonymousOverflow, and 13ft (similar to 12ft.io).
Lain.La: various frontends, instances of software including Cryptpad and Gitlab, a Xonotic server, and a webring.
24 Hour RPG: an old TTRPG gamejam from the early 2000s.
Penguin King Games: prokopetz from tumblr's Proper RPG Website. Has resources for some paid material, plus links an itch.io with several fun free/Pay What You Want games.
200 Word RPG Challenge: an annual contest to create tiny tabletop RPGs in 200 words or less. Has PDF collections of all previous years' entrants, and a few fancy PDFs of some challenge winners.
D&D Wiki: a fan-run wiki hosting a massive amount of Dungeons and Dragons homebrew and OGL game material.
SONG FIGHT!: a website that hosts regular songwriting competitions, almost like the musical version of game jams. Lots of cool music to listen to.
Solar System Scope: a really cool view-the-solar-system tool running in browser. Also shows a bunch of stars and other sky objects, and you get to grab stuff and spin it to your heart's content.
The Lyttle Lytton Contest: an annual writing contest for "the world’s most atrocious first line to a novel". Has a hilarious collection of past entries and winners from 20+ years of running.
Glorious Trainwrecks: a site for making video games that are total hot messes. Hosts a collection of user-submitted games, a forum, and periodical game jams.
The Eye: a huge open directory with a broad range of interesting content. Used to have more, but lost a lot of material in its last downtime and hasn't yet recovered.
Zombie Rights Campaign: a website fighting for the rights of the shambling undead.
Acme Klein Bottle: have you ever wanted to own a fourth-dimensional bottle with only one surface? Are you a huge math nerd? Order your own real glass klein bottle today! (Also featured: some really fun resources and links for math nerds, and an entire page of hilarious klein bottle poems and jokes.)
Iceberg Charts: a website tool for making iceberg charts.
X Clacks Overhead: a site dedicated to the X-Clacks Overhead HTTP header, a technical easter egg made in memory of Sir Terry Pratchett. Includes a list of known sites using the header, though one may follow the links at one's own risk.
The Westminster Detective Library: an archive of detective fiction published before 1891 (i.e., before Sherlock Holmes.)
Schoolhouse Rock Lyrics: exactly what it says it is.
Evil Overlord, Inc.: hosts, among other things, the famous Evil Overlord List and various associated spinoff material.
Dumb Cuneiform: have you even wanted to immortalize a tweet in cuneiform on a literal clay tablet? Then boy, do these people have a service for you.
Aphelion Webzine: a science fiction and fantasy webzine that's been running since 1997!
develop.games: a website with some advice about game development.
publictypewriter.com: a public typewriter which leaves (moderated) anonymous messages on a page, not entirely unlike This Website Will Self-Destruct. Envisioned during lockdown as a digital edition of the physical public typewriter hosted by Literati Bookstore. Doesn't seem to be publishing submissions anymore, but has a log of old entries to read, and a book of collected messages from the original meatspace edition.
OverType: the Over-The-Top Typewriter Simulator: what it says on the tin. A silly in-browser typewriter simulator, with a strong commitment to authentic little quirks and inconveniences.
No-JS Club: a club for websites that use no Javascript.
No-CSS Club: a club for websites that use no CSS. For those more hardcore than the no-JS club.
No-HTML Club: yes, the joke kept going.
Dither it!: a web app for pixel-dithering images.
The Edge of Propinquity (Wayback Machine archive): several series of short stories by a group of published SF/F authors, run as a monthly zine from 2006 to 2011. Some series, including Seanan McGuire's Sparrow Hill Road, were since pulled to publish, but there's still a few stories on the archived site.
WEATHER IS HAPPENING: it sure fucking is
xkcd: It's xckd. Does it even need an introduction?
Blindsprings: lost princesses, ancient spirits, and secret societies, set in a vaguely early-1900's-esque fantasy world. Absolutely gorgeous aesthetic and worldbuilding, a little bit like if Fullmetal Alchemist switched genre to a pastel-tinted mahou shoujo fairytale. Sadly has not had an actual update since 2019, although the author has mentioned plans for revival.
Namesake: in a world where portal-fantasy fairy tales play out over and over through "namesakes", people sharing original protagonists' names, a young woman named Emma somehow ends up in Oz. Also featuring a genderbent Wicked Witch of the West and a lot of Alice in Wonderland. (The plot has gone a long way since then, though.)
Kiwi Blitz: mechs, robots, and plucky teenagers playing superhero. By the same creator as Sleepless Domain. Has been on hiatus since 2021.
Inhibit: In a world where superpowers are common, life is rough for those who can't control them. And there might be more to the nature of those powers than what "everybody knows"...
Horror Hospital School: a series of stories set in all-girls boarding school for girls whose "illnesses" may be more than mundane... also, it's hosted here on Neocities, which is cool!
Buttercup Festival: mostly a thoughtful and humorous slice of life strip comic, with beautiful ink art. A mix of comedy, surreal whimsy and visual poetry. Some strips have an almost Calvin-and-Hobbes-ish sort of mood.
Golden Shrike: an absolutely gorgeous fantasy comic about deer. The artist's grasp of stylized ungulate anatomy awes and terrifies me.
Hiveworks: you've probably heard of this one, but it's a big independent webcomic collective (that a lot of popular comics are part of.)
SpiderForest: a curated "not for profit" webcomic collective of over 100 comics.
ComicFury: a free, ad-free, and highly customizable webcomics host with a huge community and forums. Front page defaults to 'recently updated', which is a fun way to discover all sorts of small comics you might never find otherwise.
The Duck Webcomics: former DrunkDuck, another old classic free webcomics host with an active community and forums.
Top Web Comics: a huge collective webcomic listing community, which lets visitors vote on their favorite comics. Goes back to the Olden DaysTM of webcomics, with lots of interesting vintage entries.
Webrings EGGRAMEN is currently a part of.
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