Site Updates
March 4, 2025
- Minor background edits to unindexed pages.
February 11, 2025
- Added some new sites to the links page, including a new sub-section for miscellanous webcomics related sites.
January 18, 2025
- Added a new song to the filk section.
January 5, 2025
- Happy 6th birthday to this website! What the fuck.
December 23, 2024
- Added a new style to the CSS test directory (Noodle Soup Times.)
- Replaced some more uses of various images with free-to-use stock images. I think some stuff will stay as is for now, but it would be nice to have fewer copyrighted images used for backgrounds or test pages.
December 16, 2024
- Added demo/mockup audio for 'Puppeteer' to the Filk songbook.
November 10, 2024
- Added two new songs to the translyrics songbook.
October 27, 2024
- Added a new preview grid to the CSS Testpages for ease of navigation.
- Thank you all so much for 500 followers! I know Neocities isn't very much about that kind of thing, but it's kind of a neat statistic I suppose.
October 6, 2024
- Added a few new translyrics, and modified the translyric songbook to use table formatting like the filk section.
- Edited the Not-So-FAQ's stylesheet usage tutorial to be a little more accurate.
September 28, 2024
- Add some new songbook entries, including translyrics for Fukkireta!
- Made some small adjustments to the site for easy of access and navigation.
September 18, 2024
- Added a section to the links page for hosts of privacy frontends and related services.
September 14, 2024
- Cleaned up and improved the version history archive.
- Various site CSS tweaks.
September 12, 2024
- Added a few more filk songbook entries.
September 10, 2024
- Added a short tutorial on how to use premade layouts/stylesheets to the Site (Not-So-)FAQ.
September 9, 2024
- Added two new songs to the songbook.
- Small tweak to phrasing of some stuff on the CSS Testpages.
September 3, 2024
- Added a new layout to the CSS Testpages.
- Added a new site to Links, and added also a pair of new site buttons for EGGRAMEN, updated with the site's current color scheme that it's had for the last... *scrolls down*... two years??
September 1, 2024
- Added some more sites and comics to the Webcomics section of the links page.
August 20, 2024
- Added two new songs to the lyrics section - one translyric adaptation and one original.
- Added a few more links to the Links page.
- Reorganized the Alternian font page so it now includes proper links to the two custom fonts.
- Various small fiddly updates, tweaks and fixes.
August 15, 2024
- Added a bunch of new links to the Links page, including the newly-joined Wayward Webring.
July 27, 2024
- Added "Headache / 頭ン痛" English lyrics adaptation to the Filk & Fansongs section. If I do more of these, I might eventually break them out into their own page...
June 7, 2024
- Added a little more content to Alternian, include some typo fixing, minor translation fixes/updates, a few new words, and the start of a possible new organization scheme for the vocabulary section.
April 9, 2024
- Posted a new fansong in the filk section for Five Pebbles from Rain World.
April 3, 2024
- Added a link to my Playfic games in the Inform 7 section of the Games page. (I don't know why I didn't already have this linked?) It's a bit old and dusty, but I hope to return to it someday -- if nothing else, to finish Cardinal II...
March 27, 2024
- Added some more vocab and formatting tweaks to Naūkeman, and worked behind the scenes on some translations.
March 16, 2024
- Added a new Zelda fansong to the filk section.
- Site CSS tweak: made the font size a little smaller on mobile so more text fits onscreen at once.
January 18, 2024
- Minor updates and new vocab for Naūkeman. Not sure where to put the non-linguistic worldbuilding, but might make a page at some point for more detail about the conworld it's in as I develop it.
January 15, 2024
- Updated the Neocities Districts links on the homepage (Stradford and Silicon Valley) and on the Links page to point to a Wayback Machine archive of the pages, since the actual Districts doesn't seem to be coming back from rat hiatus any time soon.
January 5, 2024
- Not exactly an update, but today marks EGGRAMEN's 5th birthday! (According to the 'date created' on the Neocities site profile, anyway...) Wow!
- I, uh. Honestly didn't think I'd get this far? But I'm really happy with how far this little project has come. :)
December 29, 2023
- Added preview images for Fake WP 2's new mobile layout after making some further tweaks. You now can put the main div before both sidebars in the HTML code to make the main content appear first in the vertical layout. (But it should still be backwards-compatible with the left-sidebar/main/right-sidebar ordering, so if you decide to update your stylesheet, you hopefully won't have to edit all your pages, haha.)
December 28, 2023
- Whoopsies, invisible updates only for a while. Made various minor edits and a tiny bit of progress of a variety of Secret ProjectsTM over a period of several months.
(Spent way too long revising and retconning bits of conworlding lore and a language that isn't even on the website yet.) - First substantial update in a while: added a new CSS layout! Or an old one, in a sense. The Neo 3-Column layout is just a revamp of my old Three Columns layout, but more flexible and a little fancier. It was fun to just work on something like that again - I haven't done that in a while...
- Also made a smaller revamp update to Fake WP 2 (yes, again.) It should now be mobile compatible and slightly more responsive overall!
- wait what do you mean i have over a million hits (thank you all so much??!??)
August 23, 2023
- Some slight tweaks to the Jade Pages CSS, mostly media queries. The tall sidebar image on the index page should hopefully no longer muck up the sidebar nav on smaller screens, and be easier to scroll past on mobile.
- Fixed broken link to credits on the literal front page of the website. (Thank you to the person who emailed me about it! I still don't know how I missed that...)
August 6, 2023
- Added a little vocab to Alternian, and started reorganizing the verbs a bit. Sorting exclusively by noun class may not have been the best idea...
- Added a link to the Links page.
- Some minors tweaks and fixes to various pages.
- Worked some more on a Secret Project...
March 25, 2023
- Minor conlang updates and fixes. Working on fixing my mixed up usage of [] and // on multiple pages. Also improved accuracy of Naūkeman phonology and fixed a few glaring grammar and syntax errors in example sentences.
March 8, 2023
- More conlang updates, including:
- Naūkeman's writing system has been updated with a slightly different alphabet and Historical SpellingTM. Sateca'an's alphabet has also been changed, and some notes about the setting and language lineages have been added. Talnabyaksha (and Sacishaan) will be around... eventually.
- The big Alternian update! Featuring huge overhauls of phonology (hello weird trill nonsense), verb conjugation, case, and other wacky stuff.
Late January - Early March, 2023
- Lots of behind-the-scenes work on conlangs; minor edits to visible pages.
- Added a few links.
January 26, 2023
- Replaced/updated Ewa Sio's writing system and text graphic(s).
- Working on signficant Alternian update; made some minor edits to indicate this.
- Failed to restrain urge for future conlangs. Talnabyaksha will be added at some point when ready.
January 19, 2023
- Updated some conlang stuff for various languages.
- Finally worked out that Alternian's r has actually been an /ʀ/ and not an /r/ this entire time, so that should better match the way I've been pronouncing it now. In other news, TIL that you're actually supposed to pronounce most rolled r's with your tongue? Somehow??
- Changed Naūkeman's pronouns slightly to match correct adjective-noun order.
- Successfully restrained urge to begin reworking and adding Talnabyaksha, *SKNSR, and/or half-assed attempt at Skyloftian.
- Updated Links section with some slightly more thorough navigation/organization, and added a Conlanging section with some new sites.
January 13, 2023
- Making some less visible updates to nav and page structure. Trying to improve accessibility and good web practices.
January 9, 2023
- Made significant alterations and updates to Alternian, plus new vocab, grammar, and WIP translations for other conlangs.
- I've finally bitten the bullet and added in the b/p distinction and some other rogue phonemes introduced in Hiveswap and Trollcall, and overhauled the pronouns to have their own built-in case inflection.
- Working on translating the song "The Willow Maiden" into multiple conlanguages for some reason. I mean, it's fun at least, and the vocab is a good building point for lots of general terms and structures.
January 5, 2023
- Happy Birthday to this website! EGGRAMEN is now four whole years old. Wow!
- Added some more conlang vocab from a challenge I'm working on.
December 23, 2022
- Various minor edits.
- Some Jade Pages fixes I forgot to note earlier. Music alt text is fixed, and gallery warnings are clearer.
December 1, 2022
- Some updates to various conlangs, and fixing of a surprise CSS fuckup in the main site skin. I still don't know how that went unnoticed so long, lol.
November 11, 2022
- Added another new stylesheet, Slightly Fancy.
November 9, 2022
- Put together a new stylesheet (Fixed Header), and moved two older styles (Simple and Sticky Header) into the "generic" section.
November 7, 2022
- Added some grammar and vocab to Sateca'an; began working on North Wind and the Sun translation.
November 4, 2022
- Minor sitewide cosmetic tweaks (widened main div windows; increased preview image sizes for CSS stylesheet samples.)
November 2, 2022
- Finished The North Wind and the Sun for Naukeman and Alternian. Once I add Sateca'an, the page should be ready to go!
October 30, 2022
- Finished Ewa Sio's translation of The North Wind and the Sun, which is now featured on its page! Currently working on the other translations.
- Adding some vocab to Naūkeman and Sateca'an.
October 28, 2022
- Added some vocab and grammar to Ewa Sio, and made some progress on the North Wind and Sun page.
October 2, 2022
- Working on a site style/skin changer - what do you guys think? :)
September 19, 2022
- *stares into the abyss once more* 500,000 hits... what the entire fuck... (but seriously thank you guys!! Wow. That is. A lot.)
- Standardized the changelog page formatting to use headings instead of bolded paragraphs. And also to include commas in dates, lol.
- Made the Busy Generic stylesheet more mobile/small-screen-friendly.
September 17, 2022
- Added a bunch of links to the Links page, and reorganized as well. There are categories now! :D
August 25, 2022
- Added two new songs to the filk section.
August 11, 2022
- Working on some accessibility improvements to the site, such as making the decorative window title bars hidden for screenreaders.
- Added a web fonts notice to the conlangs index.
August 2, 2022
- Made the CSS testpage images link to the live previews instead of the full (low-quality) preview images, and improved/fixed the Tall Sidebar With Image style to actually include a working version of the decorative side image.
July 29, 2022
- Revamped the site color scheme a bit! All that dark grey was getting tiring, and the site just felt so out of character without some blue. I might adjust further in the future until I'm more satisfied, but this is a good start. Also added underlines to h2 and h3 headers, because I like the visual flow.
- Rearranged a few pages, including the About and Interactive Fiction pages.
July 27, 2022
- Added a link to a cool solar system site, and shortened/simplified the sitemap.
July 18, 2022
- Fixed a page of my CSS stuff, and added more conlang vocab + some more to my multiconlang translation page.
July 9, 2022
- Added some more Alternian vocab (and began behind-the-scenes work on a multiconlang translation thingy...)
June 17, 2022
- Added preview images to the CSS Testpage Directory! Now you get a nice picture of what each style looks like even before you click on the preview link, for those of you not so patient enough to wait for a page to load. Also the pretty pictures look nice.
- 413k hits. Nice.
- Made various small fixes to some CSS stylesheets, mostly fixing broken images and improving some mobile layouts slightly.
- Changed the page titles for the Jade Pages to have a style more consistent with the rest of the site.
June 15, 2022
- Added a new song to the filk section, The Lair of OSHA Violations.
- Fixed some broken images for various CSS stylesheets, and updated a few listings to be more accurate regarding mobile friendliness and whatnot.
June 9, 2022
- Fixed a broken CSS pages link.
- Added some new vocabulary to Ewa Sio.
June 4, 2022
- Okay fess up guys why the fuck do I have 400,000 views. It's literally been a month. How did I get 50k hits in a fucking month.
May 29, 2022
- Fixed broken background image link in the HTML CYOA CSS. I knew I forgot something!
- Slightly modified site CSS. Mobile view now has slightly smaller text, and hides the '- O X' top right buttons, since long titles tend to overflow into them otherwise.
May 28, 2022
- Changed name of the D&D Homebrew section to RPG homebrew. After all, there might be other games in its future...
May 23, 2022
- Added a new section for D&D Homebrew! It's currently situated under Fandom, though new categories will probably not be added to the sidebar anytime soon. Currently there is one subsection, Ill Advised Items, which is basically what it says on the tin.
- Worked on various secrets that will not be disclosed. ;)
May 1, 2022
- I think I'm just about done with the revamp construction. All the internal links seem more or less functional; the testdirectory redirect works fine. Might be chasing down little bugs and errors for new few days, though, but hey! Come on back in, the water's fine!
- Also, I have over 350,000 views now, apparently. Even assuming it's mostly bots, that's uh. When the fuck did that happen. How. Thank you??? But what the fuck.
April 30, 2022
- Site update/revamp is in full swing right now, so pardon if everything's kind of messy. I just changed a ridiculous number of pages over to their new versions, and had to fix probably 100+ random-ass newly-broken links in the process.
- Made my 404 page a standard layout page, so it actually has the normal sidebar links. I think this will be much more conducive to actually finding stuff when following a broken link.
- Left the old 'testdirectory.html' page intact, but with an instant redirect to the new '/code/css_testpages.html' page, because I'm not updating all those testpage 'back to directory' links by hand. (Plus, I suspect that page is one of the main attractions of this site, and breaking outside links to it would be a very bad idea.)
- Modified the special CSS styles for various conlang pages to be properly compatible with the new style.
- Created an '/img/' folder for sitewide used images, so future rearrangement or overhauls will have fewer of the current 'fix all the image links because they're for a really specific directory you just moved' problems.
- Farewell, Fun Directory. You died as you lived: just a crossroad to other, shinier places.
April 26, 2022
- Made some bug and typo fixes to The Tunnel and the Tomb, including fixing up a whole page that got copypasted by accident, somehow. Sigh. And this, everyone, is why people have beta-testers.
- More behind-the-scenes work for the revamp.
April 19, 2022
- Added the HTML CYOA stylesheet, and the associated demo game "The Tunnel and the Tomb".
- Did some behind-the-scenes work on pages for the upcoming revamp.
April 12, 2022
- Added new stylesheet to the test directory.
- Okay so apparently Districts put me in Stratford as well? And I also didn't notice? Anyway, now both buttons should be on the front page, lol. In other news,
StratdfrodStratford is very hard to spell and my fingers are horrible traitors. - Site revamp is now planned for May. I'd do it sooner, but I wanted to give some notice before a big, potentially destructive overhaul.
April 11, 2022
- Worked on new site style. Remember what I said about how I wasn't even gonna change the color scheme? Haha, yeah. So. Uh. About that...
- Updated the credits page with more resources for web accessibility.
- Worked on a new stylesheet, based off of cool fanlisting designs I've seen around. I also am trying out stylesheets using custom elements instead of divs (my site will probably not change in this department, though.)
- Merged my two 'about' pages into a single page with two sections, because that seemed more practical, especially for future sidebar linking.
- Further tweaked the about page, and added a frankly unnecessary FAQ.
- The site revamp will most likely be sometime in the next few months. I'll probably have to close up with a big "REVAMP, UNDER CONSTRUCTION, YES I REALLY MEAN IT THIS TIME" sign at the splash screen or something when I do, because it's likely to get messy. Folders will be rearranged.
April 8, 2022
- Slightly spruced up the Jadepages (title text changes, new fansong, music comments), and improved keyboard focus indicators in the CSS.
April 1, 2022
- Ran a small April fool's prank.
March 21, 2022
- Added some accessability improvements for keyboard users while working on the new site style. Turns out my default button color made the standard link outline basically invisible, which was Not Great! The new style isn't terribly pretty, but is nice and clear, which is the important part.
- Worked on adding also have 'skip to content' buttons for navigation (for the revamp -- you can see an example here), since the menu will be a bit long, and it's just generally convenient.
March 17 2022
- Added a few new and old filk songs.
March 13, 2022
- Made a manual backup of the site, partly in preparation for a potential site revamp sometime this spring or summer, but also for general backup purposes. This site isn't very big in filesize (less than 5% of the 1GB limit), but apparently 400+ files is enough for Neocities to get cranky and stop offering the "download as zip" option, as it did sometime around September 2021.
- Should really look into that, Kyle.
- Prettied up the CSS Testpage Directory a little, and moved the Another Sidebar style under "generic". I've been considering adding pictures for previews, but that feels like it would take up too much space. I already have enough files to keep track of.
- Added a song and some new formatting to the filk section.
- Added a little more info to the About the Site page.
- Slightly rearranged the sitemap.
March 10, 2022
- Trying out a new way of filling up some space on the main home page so it looks less weird if I later add a big, long sidebar.
- In other brand-new news, there may be another site revamp in the works! It will potentially take some time to implement, but it may very well be worth it. I went, what, two whole years without redesigning? And it still looks like the same base style, just slightly adjusted. Mostly the same code, even.
- That's gotta be a record for some webmasters, right? I could have totally gone crazy and revamped the whole color scheme. Admire my restraint!
- Made various small edits to the formatting of the Version History and Sitemap pages.
- Slightly changed the text on the 404 page.
- Created an "About the Site" page separate from the existing About page, which is now "About the Webmaster".
- Added the "Silicon Valley" Districts button to the main page. Apparently I got added in the last update and just didn't notice?
March 9 (and others), 2022
- More links to interesting non-neocities sites. I've been getting back into IF, and it really is a shame I can't host Inform games here. Maybe someday I'll finally pony up for supporter tier or something...
- Pruned some useless files/folders I forgot to clean up ages ago.
- Minor edits to main site CSS -- narrowed the left sidebar buttons, and slightly adjusted theirs and the main window's border-radius.
- Might do a partial redesign of site pages to expand the sidebar links. It's always been a bit inefficent to not have secondary section links accessable from those buttons.
- Been considering merging this site with my other ~2 scattered sites I've got floating around.
- For a long time, I've been hesitant to link this site back to my main fandom identity, but I've basically long since deanoned myself with some of my filk and stuff, so there's not that much point in keeping it seperate.
- Downside is, EGGRAMEN would no longer be the main site name/identity, and I'm leery of breaking external links without knowing how to refer/redirect URLs.
February 7, 2022
- Secret edits.
- Added some more words and grammar notes to Naūkeman (and worked on a translation thingy.)
January 23, 2022
- Added a few more links, again.
- Added the new revamped writing system for Ewa Sio.
January 11, 2022
- Added a few more links.
January 8, 2022
- Hello and welcome to another year! This website is now three entire years old, which is weird to think about.
- Added some more sites to the links page, including a few neocities sites and several other fun places.
December 14, 2021
- Added a new stylesheet with three alternate skins, titled Busy Generic for lack of a better name.
November 26, 2021
- Fixed an issue where a bunch of test pages were missing viewport code for some reason.
- Added image overflow handling for all major CSS stylesheets! I was looking at some other people's pages that used my code as templates and was mortified to realize I had forgotten to make sure large images didn't overflow boxes, lol. That's what I get for not using pictures very much.
- Worked on some new styles (not currently finished.)
- Other miscellanous small edits.
October 5, 2021
- Revamped the "fake wp 2" style and added two alternate skins.
- Added bonus joke text to a secret for make it funnier and more accurate.
September 27, 2021
- Commented more of the testpage code.
- Added fonts for two other conlangs! Ewa Sio is planned to have a writing system that wouldn't work with normal fonts, though, so I'll probably stick to images for that one.
September 18, 2021
- Fixed a broken font on my Golden Sun stylesheet.
- Reorganized Naūkeman page.
- Found some code for a dropdown CSS changer.
September 17, 2021
- Began working on updating and running through site to-do list.
- Finally replaced the placeholder favicon! I've been using a random test image for ages, so it's nice to finally fix that. (Goodbye, mystery lava blob!)
- Added more words to languages, including Alternian (which has been sorely overdue a set of proper color words.)
September 16, 2021
- Added another set of 88x31 buttons for the Neocities IDE/Code Editor, because I thought it was funny.
- Started adding better commenting/documentation for CSS stylesheets, especially the free-use layouts.
- Miscellanous edits.
September 12, 2021
- Started messing around with javascript, because I can. It probably won't see any significant use.
- Added more content to multiple conlangs.
- Added several new 88x31 buttons to the homemade buttons page, including several versions of an "I Survived the Tumblr Apocalypse" button I'm rather proud of.
September 8, 2021
- Made a special CSS skin for the conlangs section of the site, and prettied up the listings.
- Added a few new 88x31 buttons.
- Changed the main site title. It's been a long time coming, but I just felt weird keeping Homestuck, specifically, in the title, when it's not the only fandom I'm in, and might not be as big for me, say, a few years from now. Plus... *gestures to Hussie and What Pumpkin's legal shenanigans* (not that I would be any better off, given I'm literally hosting a Jade Harley Fanpage and using a Xamag Skaia edit for my background, but like. At least the rest of the site isn't instantly Homestuckified by association.)
September 1, 2021
- Finished test directory revamp.
- Added a new style -- a three column layout that uses multiple skins for optional styling.
August 31, 2021
- Revamped the test directory again, now with descriptions for individual styles.
August 30, 2021
- Modified Jade Pages CSS slightly (new button style, border around profile pic)
- Added some #id links in the sidebar of Jade Pages music and gallery pages.
- Linked to Spriter's Resource for Pesterquest Jade sprites
- Cleaned up/deleted some miscellanous orphaned pages and files.
August 15, 2021
- Optimized the background PNG image to help reduce image loading time, and slightly reduced the color overlay in the site CSS.
July 30, 2021
- Fixed up Naūkeman glosses and ipa/pronunciation reference a bit.
July 23, 2021
- Added a sitemap, since that was probably long overdue.
- Further cleanup, moved other old CSS test pages to a devoted directory.
- Added a bit to Ewa Sio and Satecaan conlangs.
July 19, 2021
- Moved all link buttons to a devoted folder.
- Did some long-needed cleanup and moved old versions of site pages to a 'version history' folder, complete with a directory page under the Miscellanous section of the site.
- Experimented a bit with CSS and iframes to embed Twine stories in the main site style. It's a bit janky, though, since removing the margins cuts off the Twine sidebar, but I have yet to find a way around this. :(
July 16, 2021
- Got bored, made a quick-and-dirty copy of the main site in a folder with different CSS and layout. It has now been established as a joke "subsite" and linked in the Fun Stuff Directory. Further future recursion may follow.
July 12, 2021
- Updated the links page.
- Added something special to the credits page.
June 30, 2021
- Miscellanous edits to various pages.
- Updated About page slightly.
May 21, 2021
- Revamped the CSS testing page. Stylesheets are now in categorized into templates I actually would like to be credited for, and old stylesheets I don't care about as much, or don't recommend. Two styles were also removed.
May 9, 2021
- Put the Skaia Xamag background back into the site style, with CSS gradient filter for some nice color effects.
May 6, 2021
- Added some Alternian vocabulary, plus a few new translations, both on the main page and in the font test.
April 26, 2021
- Worked on Alternian some more.
April 1, 2021
- Added a little more fluff to the about page.
- Fixed a link on the 'other sites' page (congrats on the new site design, @iosion!)
- It has been literally months since I removed the Homestuck background from my main CSS, but it's still there on my site icon on Neocities and I have no idea why.
- Slightly edited/improved the tutorial for Webcomic CSS 2.0, and fixed some minor annoyances in the CSS.
March 17, 2021
- Improved some skins for subsections of the site.
- Changed a few backgrounds on the CSS test pages so I could delete some large images I wasn't making much use of. This made ~10 MB difference, so I'm quite pleased.
- Added one of the pesterquest end cards to the Jade Pages gallery.
March 14, 2021
- Misc. alterations, typo fixes, etc.
January 18, 2021
- Changed the site font, because the current one was making everything display really weirdly on certain devices, and it was screwing with my ability to properly design pages.
January 2, 2021
- Added some more Alternian.
- Added Ewa Sio to the conlangs directory page.
January 1, 2021
- Happy New Year!
December 11, 2020
- Added new button links (hi beanbottles! a fellow Hollow Knight fan!)
- Toyed around with a larger general fanfiction section in addition to the Jade Harley fic, like a sort of hand-coded personal archive.
December 6, 2020
- Changed the Homestuck background art of the standard page CSS to a gradient of the same colors. I just felt a little weird having official art as my primary site background, I guess? Like, it always felt a little weird copyright-wise, I guess. On the Jade page it's clear, but on the rest of the site... IDK. I might change it back, but I think it's worth keeping it like this for now. Maybe I'll make my own background art at some point later.
- Added the start of yet another fucking conlang, because my impulse control here is... well, I'd say it's 0, but you guys have no idea how many I've been holding back, lol.
November 28, 2020
- Added a few more button links, and fixed some miscellanous typos.
November 11, 2020
- Skimmed Homestuck^2 to update the Jade Pages Gallery with some new art.
- Webcomic CSS 2.0 is now listed in the testpage directory.
October 27, 2020
- Did some more work on my Webcomic 2.0 stylesheet, and spruced it up a bit (and also got rid of that awful peach color scheme.)
October 6, 2020
- Added some more words and grammar to Naūkeman
September 12, 2020
- Created two new (Hiveswap) Alternian fonts to play around with!
September 7, 2020
- Made an attempt at another webcomic format, this time with more thought put into how the updates would work.
- Added a little to Sataca'an.
August 18, 2020
- Clawed free of the earth after a six week hiatus to work on conlangs (thank you so much Rivendell for cataloguing my Alternian conlang! I'm flattered :D)
- Moved BLM links from the main page to the links page, with an addendum about timestamps of certain resources.
- Added another banner to the button edits page.
July 1, 2020
- Added a new conlang.
June 28, 2020
- Added some important links to the front page. (Please take a look!)
May 23, 2020
- Worked a bit on some conlangs. Fixed some stuff for Naūkeman, and added more verbs to Alternian.
April 13, 2020
- Happy Homestuck day, everyone!
- Added more to Alternian (vocab, verb conjugation, some notes, etc.)
- Bit the bullet and added some HS^2 art to the Jade Gallery, as well as acknowleding it on the main page.
- (Listen... they have some Good Jades. The work itself isn't my cuppa tea for the most part, but the art is great, and I like their Jade so far.)
March 24, 2020
- Added more to Alternian, including an extra element to word entries to show the actual spelling in English letters for those who don't want to actually spend all their time deciphering Alternian glyphs (read: my lazy ass.)
March 17, 2020
- Added more content to Alternian.
March ~5(?), 2020
- Added edits/buttons page, and updated links
- Added some IPA to Naūkeman.
February 29, 2020
- Added a new CSS style.
February 7, 2020
- Started putting together a page for Alternian! were doing this... were making in HAPEN
- Added music page, misc page, updated the Jade Gallery with some album art
February 5, 2020
- Added several new images to the Jade Pages gallery
- Gallery page now uses new CSS! (It has a new sidebar picture, too.)
February 4, 2020
- Began making CSS for a frankly ill-advised idea of a conlang version of Alternian.
January 26, 2020
- Added two styles to the test directory
- Changed over meta/fic/etc index pages of Jade Pages to new CSS.
- Revamped pesterlog CSS with custom styles for each different devices!
- (Seriously I'm so fucking happy with my LOHAC/iShades style hhh)
January 24, 2020
- Welcome to the first major update of the 2020's! And uh. Happy new year's? I completely forgot to post anything about that, whoops.
- Changed most of the remaining site pages to new CSS (links page, filk section), and made a minor fix to get the new CSS to play nice with the lyric tags.
- Made some minor adjustments to the Jade Pages index and CSS. Several pages (i.e. the two meta pages) have been converted to the new style.
- Started a to-do list.
- Working on a new CSS style.
December 11, 2019
- Changed the landing page to use the new CSS!
- Been working on Naūkeman! I've got way more words than I did starting out, some grammar and syntax, and even some sample sentences in there! Pinning down the grammar a little better definitely made a difference.
December 10, 2019
- Testing the new mobile-friendly CSS with some other important pages, including the changelog. (See below.)
- Changed the main page of the Jade Pages to use the new CSS! After some deliberation, I decided to keep the original darker green color scheme. The change of font makes the whole things much more readable. The old version can be viewed here.
- Replaced the changelog with a new version using the mobile-friendly CSS to avoid having to update two changelogs at the same time, much like last time I changed over. The old changelog can now be found here.
December 7, 2019
- Worked some more on the mobile-friendly CSS. It seems to be functional, now, and the revised code works much nicer in other areas as well! :)
- Changed the 404 Not Found page. It also now uses the new CSS.
December 1, 2019
- Happy birthday, Jade.
- Worked a little more on the new Jade Pages CSS, and used it for a meta entry. How's it look?
November 18, 2019
- Working on a mobile-friendly new version of the site CSS. Made some test pages, including possibly a new main page to use later. I'll be sad to see the sidebar go, but I think the new header links look pretty neat!
November 11, 2019
- Minor edits to credits page, and added credits for the pixel gifs on the test pages to help clear up any confusion regarding their sources.
November 7, 2019
- Added another CSS style.
November 3, 2019
- Updated changelog, at least a week late.
- Edited links page. How the frickety-frackety did I manage to misspell districts?
October 26(?), 2019
- Made some updates, added a new CSS style to the test directory, made a test Jade Page with the new CSS (in its own little folder, of course!), and promptly forgot to update the changelog for a week.
October 22, 2019
- Began working on a mobile-friendly update of the main site CSS. It hasn't been implemented yet, but test pages can be found here and here.
October 21, 2019
- (Dramatic announcer voice) It works... for MOBILE!
- Pesterquest assets! I have tentatively replaced the old Skaia background with a newer, nicer-looking image from John's route! :O
- Edit: made a tinted version of the image that fits better with the site color scheme.
October 20, 2019
- Added some new vocabulary and grammar to Naūkeman, and cleaned up the page a bit.
- Did some more work on the possible replacement/new CSS for the Jade Pages.
October 19, 2019
Well then! It's been a while, huh?
- Added some new content to conlangs.
- Added new CSS style, and used Jade Pages content to show off the features (well, feature.) Might revamp Jade Pages with it later on, since the old sidebar code is a mess..
August 25, 2019
- Made a new CSS style, vaguely inspired by another site I saw a while back that I thought looked cool.
- Made mental note to revamp Jade CSS eventually, because the sidebar is a mess.
August 12, 2019
- 20,000 views! :O
August 7, 2019
- Added to conlangs.
July 26, 2019
- Minor text edits, fixed a missing link.
- Considered trying to make a guestbook. It'll go on the 'possible to-do' list, which I just made up right now.
July 24, 2019
- Added two semi-original songs to Filk page.
July 22, 2019
- Filled out some more of the conlang naūkeman, and tweaked the vocab css.
July 7, 2019
- Added a new Twine game to the games section. Warnings for major character death, body horror, unhappy endings, and general creepiness. Also, amateur writing. Proceed at your own risk.
July 3, 2019
- Made slight edits to 'So, about that epilogue...'
July 1, 2019
- Expanded Jade gallery, and switched the images for the 'fic' and 'meta' sections.
June 29, 2019
- Added images to the canon section of the Jade "gallery" page. Partly updated image credits to go with this.
- Removed bigbox/boxlist/smallbox classes from the current Jade CSS, since it was kinda useless and taking up space. Pages using them have been edited accordingly.
- Changed credits page to use new CSS, because somehow I forgot to put it in the sidebar and missed it as a result. The link will be added to the Links page.
June 28, 2019
- Added 'gallery' page to Jade Pages. Gave it a sidebar image, and put two sections, canon and fanart.
June 20, 2019
- Added a new style to the testpage directory.
- Tested uploading of Twine games. It works, so that's something.
June 18, 2019
- Changed CSS of testpage directory to new style. The old page can be found here.
- Made and added two new sample styles.
- A few minor text edits.
June 16, 2019
- Created a 'Miscellaneous' link in the sidebar for stuff I add later. Added an about page.
June 15, 2019
- Modified the new CSS to adapt to viewport size! Hopefully it's a bit more mobile-friendly now, as it handles as narrow as 640px. Still a little wonky, but maybe functional.
June 14, 2019
- Main page and this log are now using the new CSS! The old versions of the main page and log (v2) can be found here and here.
- Fixed simple.css to adapt to window/screen size without changing box size.
June 13, 2019
- Added more tests of new CSS, made various minor edits.
- Added two songs to the new "Filk" section (not linked on current main page.)
June 12, 2019
- Added some vocab to conlang #1, expanded and modified CSS to be more functional and better formatted.
- Made default site text size a little smaller. It looks nicer that way.
- Other miscellanous small changes.
- Considering revamping site CSS completely. Same colors/image, but very different layout. Prototype is WIP, but this page currently uses it.
June 8, 2019
- Added some stuff to the conlang page, made various minor text edits. Deleted a few unused images that were taking up space.
May 31, 2019
- ??
- Updated some credits stuff.
- Moved 10,000 views gif to bottom of main page.
May 24, 2019
- Added another link to the links page.
May 22, 2019
- Some minor text edits on various pages.
- Added a button to link to this site on the 'links' page!
May 21, 2019
- Modified CSS for main pages to be slightly more mobile friendly. This has made message boxes and normal boxes mutually exclusive, though, so message boxes have been removed from the test page until they have one of their own.
May 20, 2019
- Deleted link to blog section for now.
- Added 'conlang' section, for potential future use.
- Fixed some minor typos, and changed text in one place.
- Redesigned links page with columns and boxes, added a new link.
May 18, 2019
- Added nonsense/blog(?) section. Might delete later.
May 11, 2019
- Redesigned 404 page using a message box and some advice
- Fixed some miscellaneous typos.
May 10, 2019
- Changed the background and colors of main CSS! It's Skaia now :)
- A backup of the old version can be found here!
- The old landing page look can be also seen here!
April 28, 2019
- Added meta: "So, about that epilogue..."
- Slightly changed Jade CSS (confined sidebar text and links to box, added new button type that's much neater.)
- Changed Jade page to use new button types.
April 21, 2019
- It sure is sad that Hussie never gave us a canon update on Homestuck's tenth anniversary and left the story as it was in [S] Credits in 2016, huh?
- Added a "meta" section.
April 19, 2019
- Changed CSS for fic pages (bigger font, dark text on light background) and turned the sidebar gif into a still image since it was too distracting; added pesterlog CSS for future use.
March 30, 2019
- Added "fic" section to Jade Pages (no content yet.) Used tadpole image and updated credits accordingly.
- Added links for Jade images on credits page.
- Fixed main CSS so the message boxes don't look weird at certain sizes. Expanded main style test page and put some main page content in boxes.
March 25, 2019
- Commented out goodies link until I actually have anything worth sharing.
- Revamped the Jade CSS, added a sidebar and changed the profile image and link, added some alt text.
March 24, 2019
- Moved Cool Sites page, gave other/index.html a list of links instead. WIP.
- Changed colors of Jade CSS to not use generic "green". Should probably find a panel to reference.
March 22, 2019
- Added two-column button style to main CSS, implemented for Test Directory
March 20, 2019
- Redesigned main page a little with buttons and borders
March 19, 2019
- Expanded Jade Page (added disclaimer, added header bar, turned links into buttons, created profile)
March 15, 2019
- Added landing page, moved main page from "index.html" to "main.html"
January - March, 2019
- Miscallenous CSS Testing, site gets fleshed out a bit
January 5, 2019
- Site Established