>Inspect ramen.
Ramen? What ramen? You are quite certain there never has been, and never will be, any RAMEN here. The very notion strikes you as downright absurd.
Hello, and welcome (back!) to EGGRAMEN, the personal site of an arbitrary nerd on the internet. Expect fandom, nonsense, amateur CSS/HTML projects, and lots of creative stuff.
Most content can be found linked in the sidebar, but not all. The top link in each section will take you to that category's index, which sometimes includes stuff not in the main links. Explore, keep an eye out for secrets, and have fun!
Latest Updates
January 18, 2025
- Added a new song to the filk section.
January 5, 2025
- Happy 6th birthday to this website! What the fuck.
December 23, 2024
- Added a new style to the CSS test directory (Noodle Soup Times.)
- Replaced some more uses of various images with free-to-use stock images. I think some stuff will stay as is for now, but it would be nice to have fewer copyrighted images used for backgrounds or test pages.
part of the null webring