Welcome to EGGRAMEN! I have no idea who else uses this name, but I'm probably not them. Expect nonsense, amateur CSS, weird fandom stuff (mainly Homestuck), and maybe (maybe) even some art and writing in the future. Also opinions and semi-personal stuff from time to time.
Most content can be found via the sidebar links, so go ahead and check them out. Explore, keep an eye out for secrets, and have fun!
Trying out a new way of filling up some space on the main home page so it looks less weird once I have a big, long sidebar.
In other brand-new news, there may be another site revamp in the works! This long-ass sidebar will take some time to implement, but it may very well be worth it. I went, what, two whole years without redesigning? And it still looks like the same base style, just slightly adjusted. Mostly the same code, even.
That's gotta be a record for some webmasters, right? I could have totally gone crazy and revamped the whole color scheme. Admire my restraint!
Thank you all so, so much for over 250,000 views as of January 2, 2022! (*stares into the abyss...* what the fuck...)
And a quick test of the messagebox style as well.