Webrings EGGRAMEN is currently a part of.
null webring
Neocities Sites
Fun and interesting sites I've found on Neocities.
Other Websites
Neat sites from elsewhere on the web.
Webcomics I enjoy!
Link to me! :D
(Please don't hotlink, though! Just download this png and upload it to your own site. You can embed it with the code below.)
Current Events - Some Special Links
(Moving this from the homepage to the links page for now, since it's probably staying for the long run.)
- This donation fund splits the donations it recieves between ~70 different community bail funds, mutual aid funds, and racial justice organizers. Last checked in 2020.
- This spreadsheet has a huge masterlist of resources for information, protesting, petitions, officials to call, and places to donate relevant to the current BLM stuff going on. It looks to have been last updated around June 28th 2020, but a lot of the resources are still relevant and worth taking a look at.
This is Bunny. Copy and paste Bunny into your webpage to help him gain world domination.