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    Lorem: Ipsum

    Dolor: Sit Amet

    Consectetur: adipiscing elit. Curabitur vulputate varius faucibus.

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur vulputate varius faucibus. Praesent feugiat dolor augue, vel scelerisque erat maximus sed. Aenean a ex quis erat feugiat eleifend eu a justo. Proin aliquet ex lectus. Suspendisse bibendum dictum felis, in tincidunt quam elementum ut. Morbi tristique lectus nisi, ut lacinia risus pharetra id. Quisque in libero ligula.

    Maecenas in metus consequat, feugiat eros vitae, consectetur nibh. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Nulla bibendum risus erat, in fringilla arcu facilisis et. Vivamus laoreet hendrerit augue eu sodales. Etiam condimentum, eros quis tempor finibus, sapien nulla mollis mauris, porttitor luctus magna ex sit amet neque. Nunc pulvinar dui diam, at dignissim felis placerat ut. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Aenean vitae risus nec purus fringilla fringilla in sit amet libero. Vestibulum velit leo, ornare id mollis ac, accumsan nec turpis. Vestibulum in purus metus. Phasellus mattis porta nulla.

    Vivamus in mauris vehicula, egestas purus non, finibus neque. Sed luctus vestibulum est, vel tristique elit imperdiet in. Pellentesque sed semper dolor. Sed eu massa eget arcu feugiat sollicitudin. Praesent eget dignissim sem. Suspendisse tristique consectetur augue. Nulla ac urna sed sapien aliquam varius. Donec placerat vitae enim sit amet mattis. Suspendisse ut lobortis arcu.

    Integer pulvinar finibus consequat. Curabitur convallis vehicula risus, sit amet porta diam. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. In rhoncus aliquet nisl, tristique tincidunt velit ullamcorper volutpat. Etiam tortor tellus, auctor nec volutpat in, gravida ac metus. Integer nisl lacus, posuere vel felis vitae, commodo aliquam neque. Nunc erat purus, tempor vitae nulla mattis, vestibulum interdum augue. Fusce eget tortor tellus.

    Vestibulum malesuada molestie neque, varius mattis velit luctus sit amet. Praesent sed elementum enim. Aliquam non magna ligula. Nam ornare in tortor id pretium. In convallis metus ante, et tempus massa porta ac. Aenean consectetur laoreet orci, a sollicitudin sapien suscipit sed. Morbi semper mauris vel feugiat molestie. Vestibulum nisl nulla, suscipit ut aliquet commodo, sagittis non ligula. Nulla pellentesque magna at arcu iaculis ultrices.

    Fic Title

    Rating: NR

    Tags and Warnings: Warning 1, Warning 2, A/B, Character A, Character B, Character C, Trope #413, insert dumb commentary here


    This is a sample summary. It should be unrestricted in format by the usual limitations on a fanfiction, because I am coding it myself.

    Chapters: 1/1 | Wordcount: 999 | Posted: 12-10-2019 | Updated: 12-10-2019

    Write Something, I'm Giving Up On You

    Rating: G

    Tags and Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply, B/C, Character A, Character B, Character C, Character E, Trope #1025, Trope #618, Miscellanous Informational Tag, Canon-Typical X, Other Content Warning Not Under Standard Four


    This is another sample summary, but there's different tags and whatnot.

    Chapters: 1/? | Wordcount: 1,399 | Posted: 12-10-2019 | Updated: 12-10-2019

    Third In Sequence

    Rating: M

    Tags and Warnings: Warning 1, Warning 2, Warning 3, A/B, B/C, A/B/C, D/E, Character A, Character B, Character C, Character D, Character E, Character F, Ensemble Cast, Trope #618, Trope #9, Worldbuilding, how much fic would a fanficcer fic if a fanficcer could fic fic, try saying THAT thre times fast, haha its 3am as im oposting this, Unrelated Serious Tag Pertaining to Later Chapters, Angst, Trope #101, Trope #5


    This fic is much longer and more complex, and there's more content and tags. Even the summary is longer than the others, because this fic is an example of something longer. It's a shame canon isn't real and none of this exists!

    Chapters: 17/24 | Wordcount: 68,825 | Posted: 12-10-2019 | Updated: 12-10-2019


    Rating: T

    Tags and Warnings: Warning 1, Author Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, A/B, D/E, Character A, Character B, Character D, Character E, Trope #413, Trope #137


    This is a short sample summary.

    Chapters: 3/? | Wordcount: 10,206 | Posted: 12-10-2019 | Updated: 12-10-2019

    i'm running out of time (and i'm running far away)

    Rating: T

    Tags and Warnings: Warning 1, Author Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, A/B, D/E, Character A, Character B, Character D, Character E, Trope #413, Trope #137, oneshot that grew beyond my wildest imaginings


    Oneshot inspired from "Out Of Time" by RosieLord! *edit* WELP, not a oneshot anymore!

    Chapters: 8/? | Wordcount: 12,577 | Posted: 12-10-2019 | Updated: 12-10-2019

    Fic It

    Rating: E

    Tags and Warnings: Warning 1, F/A, Character F, Character A, Trope #99, Smut, when will my rarepair come back from the way


    Wink wink.

    Chapters: 1/1 | Wordcount: 1,950 | Posted: 12-10-2019 | Updated: 12-10-2019

    Fic Title

    Rating: NR

    Tags and Warnings: Warning 1, Warning 2, A/B, Character A, Character B, Character C, Trope #413, insert dumb commentary here


    This is a sample summary. It should be unrestricted in format by the usual limitations on a fanfiction, because I am coding it myself.

    Write Something, I'm Giving Up On You

    Rating: G

    Tags and Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply, B/C, Character A, Character B, Character C, Character E, Trope #1025, Trope #618, Miscellanous Informational Tag, Canon-Typical X, Other Content Warning Not Under Standard Four


    This is another sample summary, but there's different tags and whatnot.

    Third In Sequence

    Rating: M

    Tags and Warnings: Warning 1, Warning 2, Warning 3, A/B, B/C, A/B/C, D/E, Character A, Character B, Character C, Character D, Character E, Character F, Ensemble Cast, Trope #618, Trope #9, Worldbuilding, how much fic would a fanficcer fic if a fanficcer could fic fic, try saying THAT thre times fast, haha its 3am as im oposting this, Unrelated Serious Tag Pertaining to Later Chapters, Angst, Trope #101, Trope #5


    This fic is much longer and more complex, and there's more content and tags. Even the summary is longer than the others, because this fic is an example of something longer. It's a shame canon isn't real and none of this exists!


    Rating: T

    Tags and Warnings: Warning 1, Author Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, A/B, D/E, Character A, Character B, Character D, Character E, Trope #413, Trope #137


    This is a short sample summary.

    i'm running out of time (and i'm running far away)

    Rating: T

    Tags and Warnings: Warning 1, Author Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, A/B, D/E, Character A, Character B, Character D, Character E, Trope #413, Trope #137, oneshot that grew beyond my wildest imaginings


    Oneshot inspired from "Out Of Time" by RosieLord! *edit* WELP, not a oneshot anymore!

    Fic It

    Rating: E

    Tags and Warnings: Warning 1, F/A, Character F, Character A, Trope #99, Smut, when will my rarepair come back from the war


    Wink wink.