
Homestuck Filk
Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

General Audiences
Archive Warning:
No Archive Warnings Apply
Vriska Serket, John Egbert, Rose Lalonde, Dave Strider, Jade Harley, Aradia Megido, Kanaya Maryam, Karkat Vantas, Terezi Pyrope, Various Character(s)
Additional Tags:
Filk, Song Format, Originally Posted on FanFiction.Net, Slowly Updating The Tags, A lot of these were written mid-reading, and now they sound rather outdated next to new plot stuff
Published: 2016-09-27 Updated: 2022-05-31 Words: 6,224 Chapters: 17/?

Homestuck Filk


A songbook of Homestuck filk and fan-lyrics.


Fair warning, the first dozen songs in this collection are fairly old, and were written before I had actually finished the comic (or gotten to Act 6, even.) Inaccuracies and weird readings may abound.


Chapter Notes

There once was a boy they called too kind
Too timid, too gentle, too shy
With fantasies and an open mind
Who'd always wished to fly
Did you ever regret, my dear, that you wished him to die?
Did you ever forget, my dear, he never knew you'd lie?

There once was a girl with ghostly roots
And passion for the past
You thought the two were in cahoots
And soon the dice were cast
Did you ever know, my dear, the moment she breathed her last?
Did you ever sow, my, dear, what broke what held them fast?

All caught in your spider's strings
A dance of little lies
All this time you thought that they
Would never realize
And in the end you never saw
The depth of all their ties
You've gotten wrapped in your own web
And eaten by the flies

There once was a girl with a mind for law
For boundaries and right
A quarrel and too soon you saw
How you'd end her that night
Did you ever see, my dear, her dragon mother's fright?
Did you ever be, my dear, the one who took her sight?

All caught in your spider's strings
A dance of little lies
All this time you thought that they
Would never realize
And in the end you never knew
How quickly they would rise
You've gotten wrapped in your own web
And eaten by the flies

Fate is not a simple game
And not for your amusement
And I'd say you're the one to blame
If you thought you could use it...

All caught in your spider's strings
But they were never yours
All this time you thought that they
Were key to all your doors
And in the end you never knew
Just quite what you had done
You've gotten lost and paid the cost
For just a bit of fun...

There once was a girl who wasn't quite nice
But always knew just where you'd been
She loved quick thrills, and rolling dice
She always knew just how to win
Did you never mind, my dear, a skill which never came from within?
Did you never find, my dear, the reason for the fix you're in?

Will you never recognize that you are well and stuck?
Will you never realize you can't have all the luck?

Chapter End Notes

The narrator is either Spidermom or Doc Scratch. My guess is the latter.
Hope you guys enjoyed it! More to come eventually. I'm still moving stuff over from FFN, so I hope to post about one song a week until I catch up.

Child Of Wind And Shade

Chapter Summary

Child of Wind and Shade
Bit introspective there, John... and also pretty distracted...

Chapter Notes


I wander the land as a stranger
Watching the smog cross the sky
Watching for signs of some danger
As salamanders pass me by...

I wander the land filled with wonder
And hear all the salamanders' cries
And watch as each fresh peal of thunder
Surprises the bright fireflies...

I'm the child of the Land of Wind and Shade
With storm and breeze in my soul
This land is my home 'til a new one is made
But here is where I'll find my role

I wander the land on playful gales
And follow blue Skaia's flight
As the salamanders all chase their tails
And dance in the endless night...

I wander the land as the hero I'll be
The Heir to this twighlit land's Breath
Slayer of Typheus, skimming the sea
And the storm will uplift me 'til death...

I'm the child of the Land of Wind and Shade...

It's been so long and I was so sure I'd always been here
It's been so long I truly thought that I belonged
It's been so long I had forgotten what I once held dear
It's been so long that I forgot how we were wronged...

I wander new lands as the rightful heir
And search for the final gate
This bloodshed seems too much to bear
I pray I'm not too late...

I wander a land with a firefly-lit glen
In the universe I have made
And remember how it was so simple back then
In the Land of Wind and Shade...

Did we ever live anywhere but Wind and Shade?

Chapter End Notes

Sorry for the lateness!

The Magic Of Miss Lalonde

Chapter Notes


The story is a sad one
Or at least that's what we've heard
A girl who hid a thousand meanings
In a single word
No one really knew her
Or at least what she would be
She never was the sort to just
Embrace her destiny

Ghostlight girl with lavender eyes
In each hand a blackthorn wand
Not-quite smiles and silent lies
Blood-dark magic of Miss Lalonde

She always was a rebel
In her silken cryptic way
She never knew her mother true
But knew just what to say
To anyone who bothered her
Or baffled her, and still
She fought and fled her calling
Once she had a role to fill

Ghostlight girl with lavender eyes...

Her power came in glimpses
She searched, and listened, and pried
At first, it was a blessing
She had so long been denied
The growing whispers darkened
Slipping deep within her mind
And when the old ones called her up
She answered them in kind

Ghostlight girl with lavender eyes...

Her story isn't guaranteed
To have a happy ending
And who can say what she knew
Of the time that she'd been spending?
In the corners of the void
And reaches beyond time
But you had best steer clear
And keep in mind this little rhyme

Ghostlight girl with lavender eyes...

Rose was such a lovely girl
One doubts she ever knew
Just what the monsters of the dark
Would ever push her to
Or what their weaving voices
Would have asked dear Rose to do...

Ghostlight girl with lavender eyes
She believed their grim deception
Her tale now a word to the wise
Don't trust monsters beyond your perception

Ghostlight girl with lavender eyes
In each hand a blackthorn wand
Not-quites smiles, unspoken lies
Darkness calling Miss Lalonde

Chapter End Notes

I really need to work on the schedule. And my editing. Sorry. :/


Chapter Summary

I'm just sort of laughing my ass off at the fact I actually wrote this.

Chapter Notes

[tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock]


[tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock]


Time and Space, they say
Are the best to save the day
The simplest of the bunch
Well, space is plain
A pretty simple domain
But Time? Yeah right, buttmunch

Temporal shenanigans, loops and more
This choreography would leave Rube Goldberg floored
I make it look easy, one-two-three
But this power's a nightmare, just take it from me

Say one day you're hanging out
Watching minutes tick by
Or whatever the hell you people do
Then future you appears
With a great big sigh
Says "Yes, I know, I'm you."

Turns out your friend
Met a sticky end
At the hands of bad advice
Gotta fix it just once
More and tell this dunce
Don't listen to that chick twice

Temporal shenanigans, loops and more
This choreography would leave Rube Goldberg floored
I make it look easy, one-two-three
But this power's a nightmare, just take it from me

Now the other you's doomed
Nearabout entombed
And these rules are almost absolute
So he hops into your sprite
Man, that's just not right
But he leaves you his sw33t l00t.

The next? Tough luck
You poor dead shmuck
He never got to fly
His corpse is still there
In the open air
'Cause all doomed yous must die

Temporal shenanigans, loops and more
This choreography would leave Rube Goldberg floored
I make it look easy, one-two-three
But this power's a nightmare, just take it from me



[tick, tock, tick, tock]


[Nakodile crashes through window, takes the mic]

[Nakodile solo]

NAKODILE: My glasses are talking to meeeeeee!

DAVE (Spoken): Wait what the hell? Gimme that-

[Crash, offstage chaos]

DAVE (Spoken): Right, where was I?

DAVE (rapped/sung):
They say Space and Time
Are the best from the slime
But they don't know jack shit
I got more loops
Than the army had troops
And I don't rest one bit

Time and Space, they say
Are the best to save the day
The simplest of the bunch
Well, space is plain
A pretty simple domain
But Time? Yeah right, buttmunch.


Chapter End Notes

*nakodile solo*

A Girl's Second Best Friend

Chapter Summary

Please note I do note condone the use of guns. This is just... really weird humor. And also Jade.

Chapter Notes

I guess I'm a bit of a funny story
A girl who grew up in such isolation
But when this game starts to get gory
You can count me in for some devastation
They say that a dog is man's best friend
And I guess my dog was mine
But there's a second one on which I can depend
And for now it works just fine!

A good old-fashioned rifle - it's a girl's second-best friend!
My weapon always seems to have a few bullets to lend!
I'm a good shot in a pinch and always have some lead to spend...
So come on, grab your gun, we've got some impish flesh to rend!

These imps are getting way too fast
I really hope that's not my fault..
But our mistakes are in the past
And I'll bring these minions to a halt
No matter how long it might take!
Now grab some ammunition...
And trudge through snow and downy flake -
It's family tradition!

A good old-fashioned rifle - it's all a young girl could need!
Remember, in the end of the world, the armed ones always lead!
The monsters get no mercy - not that they would ever plead...
'Cause I'm a trained sharpshooter, and I've never lacked in speed!

I think my ammo's all run out
How is that even a thing?
I turn my back and set about
To start replenishing
But there is nothing here to find
I guess I'll have to go
Back to my home and soon remind
Myself to fix this problem, though...

A good old-fashioned rifle - it's all a girl could ask for!
A death-game on an icy world just means I need it more!
And when your shells are scattered about and your trigger finger's sore...
Just trick it out with alchemy and add forbidden lore!

JADE (Spoken): Actually, that's a terrible idea! Just... keep the grimoire out of it, okay! But cue balls are good! Anyway...

A good old-fashioned rifle - it's a girl's second-best friend!
A gift for generations, and a legacy that never ends!
A simple deadly gift on which I can always depend!
For a rifle is a girl's...

Chapter End Notes


The Old Clocks

Chapter Summary

Because 'Make Her Pay' kept dragging me back into songwriting.

Aradia Megido died yesterday
At the hands of her childhood lover
All orchestrated by the spider's daughter...
And though she'd make her killer pay
There's more still to discover
And there was plenty of time before she fought her...

Aradia Megido died last week
Her spirit walks the prairie
She's still 0k, but her time isn't done
In distant days and futures bleak
She wakens as a faerie
But she and her friends are always on the run...

Tick, tock, the old clocks call
As all time slips away
Over the ages everything falls
Succumbs to its decay

Aradia Megido died last perigee,
Comforts her lover in vain
She knows so much she never could before...
She knows her dreams will set her free
Though she has much to gain
And only time can open up that door...

Aradia Megido died last sweep
In a game of friends and liars
Wasn't the end, though - she had work to do...
By then her soul would sleep
In metal plates and twisting wires
But her story was still anything but through...

Tick, tock, the old clocks call
As all time slips away
Over the ages everything falls
Succumbs to its decay...

Aradia Megido died last sweep
Her home's a ruin, crumbling
Abandoned on a world of fire and death...
And though she has a promise to keep
She's not found death so humbling
And she'll fight to her imagined final breath...

For the dead girl none shall weep
She has a vengeance to bestow
For she's a girl who's made of stronger mettle...
For she has sorrows left to reap
Over time her power grows
And death just gave her one more score to settle...

Tick, tock, the old clocks call
As all time slips away
Over the ages everything falls
Succumbs to its decay...

Tick. tock, the old clocks call...

Bigger Problems

Chapter Summary

Originally written for 4/13, this would take a lot of singers to pull off. Also my longest song yet.

JOHN: It was a game to us, but also something more...
A chance to see some friends we knew as text and voices
It seemed like something new; we didn't know what could have been in store
Or what would come of all our smallest choices...

ROSE: They were my only friends, cliched as that may sound,
Besides my mother whom I never understood
As different as we were, it seemed we might have found some common ground,
And with the sorrows came a little good...

BOTH: But now this game has gone too far, the darkness rises...
And in a new world we were bound for some surprises
JOHN: The problem's bigger than we'd ever realize
ROSE: But we will still be friends, come hell or stormy skies...

DAVE: I guess that I was just a kid beneath it all,
Still needed someone to be friends and have my back
At least these guys will pick me up no matter how far I may fall
And I can get them back on track...

JADE: My home was never more than house and land and sea...
And dogs are great, but they can't hold a conversation...
Three kids I knew online sent me a game I knew would set me free
As bad as it looks, I'm still filled with elation...

JADE AND DAVE: But now this game has gone too far, the darkness rises
And in a new world we were bound for some surprises
JADE: The problem's bigger than our session or us four...
DAVE: Because our game was rigged and rotten to the core...

ALL FOUR: And there was always something more...

KARKAT: I'm just going to say it now - we all fucked up, big-time.
And I was probably worst of all, in either universe
We all were screwed from the moment we emerged from cosmic slime
But I went and ran that stupid curse...

TEREZI: I had a role to play, but didn't quite fulfill it...
Though nothing I could do would really change the end...
The coolkid has his tables, rewrites the events as he sees fit
But this mess even he can't possibly mend...

KARKAT AND TEREZI: This game was nothing but a failure and a bust
And by the final hours, none had any trust...
TEREZI : This problem reached between two worlds and one disaster
KARKAT: As if we'd ever get a "happily ever after"...

KANAYA: When I found that old guide, I idolized the writer
The story was a daunting one I thought I could play out
I guess I've found her now, though I wished so long to only spite her
But neither of us knew what this was about...

VRISKA: This chaos puts the greater story in perspective...
I barely knew what I was doing, in the end...
While my old friend was running off to play detective
I guess we all forgot that games are meant to be pretend...

KANAYA AND VRISKA: This game was nothing but a failure and bust
And in the final hours, none had any trust...
KANAYA: This problem's bigger still, but maybe one that we can fix...
VRISKA: I guess it's serious - no time left here for games or tricks...

KARKAT, TEREZI, KANAYA, VRISKA: But what if there's still something more?

VRISKA: This game was nothing but a failure and a bust... (TEREZI: Or was it...?)
ROSE: And what's the point in playing fair if there's no trust? (JOHN: Because it's only right...)
DAVE: Our sessions all were rigged and rotten to the core... (JADE: And yet we found a way...)
KARKAT: This problem's the biggest yet, gog help us if there's more... (KANAYA: Let's hope not...)

ALL: We still found bigger problems...
We still found bigger...
We still found...
We still...

JOHN: We might have bigger problems after all...

Sungirl (Sylvan Revenge)

Chapter Summary

Written shortly after reading through the whole rainbow drinker thing.
Wow this is old.

Wreathed in light
Running to the fight
Hands ablaze in a burning glow
Blood sustains her needs; revenge tastes better...
This one thing she'd know...
If that's her order, she'll follow it to the letter...
She knows exactly where she is to go...

Sungirl running, striking, rending
She is long done with pretending
Moon-bright skin and wild eyes
Can't blame him for his surprise
After all that, who knew that she would rise?

She stood alone
In blood and stone
Waking surrounded in gore
Guess that's why you don't leave corpses be -
There might be something more
There's no escape for him, while she runs free...
No fixing what happened at the core

The knight had fled
The rest lay dead
Save for a sleeping mage
The sylph finds halls and doors painted in blood
But that won't stop her rage
Bodies elsewhere fall with softened thuds...
She closes in and forms her killer's cage...

Sungirl running, striking, rending
She is long done with pretending
Moon-bright skin and wild eyes
Can't blame him for his surprise
After all that, who knew that she would rise?

Sungirl charging, screeching, blazing
Cool flesh all ripe for the razing
Gone too far, but soon returns
Can't forget the lesson she learns
Can't blame her for her regret
Had she ever killed an comrade yet?

The sylph stands
Blood on her hands
Stolen glasses, three for one...
It all hits home, but she stands strong outside...
She has no need to run
And in her state, no need to ever hide...
She's more than what walks in the sun...

Sungirl ran, and struck and rended
Young sungirl who once pretended
Moon-bright skin and wild eyes
Almost laughs now in surprise
After all that, who knew that she would rise?

Happy Birthday Homestuck!

Chapter Summary

I like to imagine the bridge of this one to the tune of 'All The Convoluted Reasons We Pretend To Be Divorced' song from Phineas and Ferb. I don't know why, but it just kinda fits?

(This was intended for 4/13.)

Chapter Notes

*comes back to this in 2021*

well, this aged... uh.



Dear Homestuck, Happy Birthday!
All these years, it has been great!
With all your gags and weirdness
I don't mind much that I'm late
To your party on the internet
It's not that bad a 8r8k
Just be a little wary, 'cause
I think someone rigged the cake...
Now make a wish and please don't say that we won't get act 8!

Happy birthday! And I guess a happy birthday to John!
Happy birthday! Let's get a party going on!
Happy birthday! And now to sing the birthday song!
Let's just hope it's not very long...

Dear Homestuck, Happy Birthday!
Your seven-year anniversary!
We've loaded up the presents with lollipops
Though that still doesn't mean a lot to me...
There's ice cream decking all the halls
And shitty streamers everywhere
Cake mix covering the walls
And clowns to give you all a scare..
I guess the portraits on the walls are for ironic flair?

Happy birthday! And I guess a happy birthday to John!
Happy birthday! Now we've got a party going on!
Happy birthday! And now to sing the birthday song!
Let's just hope it's not very long...

Dear Homestuck, Happy Birthday!
These have been such wonderful years
This story I can never explain to my friends
On account of all my laughter and tears...
Dear Homestuck, Happy Birthday!
I guess I never thought that you would end...
But at least it seems our heroes will survive
And they still have their friends!
And thank for choosing not to make the story all pretend!

Seriously, I get that Mr. Hussie likes to troll us
But I'm glad to see that for our ending he didn't Rickroll us
And I've heard of "Thanks for Playing" and I'm glad he has a heart...
'Cause I would have been so pissed if he negated every part...

Dear Homestuck, Happy Birthday!
All these years, it has been great!
With all your gags and weirdness
I don't mind much that I'm late
To your party on the internet
It's not that bad a 8r8k
Just be a little wary, 'cause
I think...


I'm Sorry, Mother...

Chapter Summary

Written when I was at the beginning of the whole grimdark thing. Not sure what to think of this one now. Eh.

Dear Mother, I'm sorry for all the years of sugared masks
Sarcastic gestures we both never understood
I'm sorry I forgot you in favor of completing arcane tasks
Though I suppose this is the path of greater good...

I always admired you deep down inside
A feeling I thought that I had to hide
I admit that what I did I never should...

And now I hear that I'm too late
To say these words just face-to-face
I used to think that you'd berate
Me for my sorrows' lack of grace
I know now things that I was never meant to see...
But I wish I could have said what you meant to me...

Dear Mother, I'm sorry for the distance I set up between us...
I was so petty and I thought you were the same
So many years I wasted well before I could have seen us
Playing this deadly cosmic game

I know that you couldn't have stayed here
And yet the thought of losing you gave me such fear...
Indifference I can no longer claim...

And now I hear that I'm too late
To say these words just face-to-face
I used to think that you'd berate
Me for my sorrows' lack of grace
In some timelines I wonder if we could have made amends
But there are greater things on which reality depends

Dear Mother, I'm sorry that I never could have saved you
The rules of the game can't always be broken
I hope you remember what little warmth I gave you
Though our words were always left unspoken...

There's no way for me to bring you back
For the future runs a set and narrow track
But now the risen darkness has awoken

And now I hear that I'm too late... (Can't break these rules, though may I try...)
To say these words just face-to-face (Arise, awake, the seer cries...)
I used to think that you'd berate (How could I have been such a fool?)
Me for my sorrows' lack of grace (How could this game have been so cruel?)
I understand you're gone, but that doesn't mean forgotten...
I see what this game is within, corrupt and rotten...
I'm sorry, mother...
I'm sorry, mother...

I'm sorry, mother...

How Could We Drift So Far?

Chapter Summary

Old song is old. Pre-retcon, definitely.

Sometimes I wonder if we could have been more different
Sometimes I start to think that we were simply never meant
To be friends as we were, although too soon we went
Our separate ways...

We were sisters then, never to part
How could we have drifted so far?
I guess I may never know what's in your heart
But my deduction still stands up to par...

Sometimes it seems like our friendship should have never been
And yet I used to think that there were ways we both could win
Now I see too late the sort of mess I'm in
How you would blaze...

I don't regret our sisterhood
It was a kind thing in its time
You only did what you thought you should
But I can't let you lead a life of crime...

We were sisters, never to part
Bound by friendship at the start...
How could we drift so far?

I found the body that you left back in the core
I'm not quite sure what you killed any of them for...
I'm guessing still, and it's no idle chore...
Was it even you?

Why would you leave their corpses just lying there?
How many really died that hour?
You must be near here now, but where?
Why did the game give you such power?

I can't forgive you for the things that you have done
I've turned blind eyes to past things, but this isn't one...
Either I'll deal with you, or you had better run
It seems we're through...

We were sisters, but fell apart
We've drifted too far to mend...
And now I wonder if you ever had a heart...
Or was our friendship all pretend?

We were sisters, never to part
Bound by friendship at the start
How could we drift so far?

We were sisters, at the start
Always knew that we would part...
But how could we have drifted so far?

How could we drift so far?

Are We Dead or Are We Dreaming?

Chapter Notes

Sorry for the long wait! I should really just post all my songs in one big songdump at some point...

It was a dark night in the void when I asked you about it
You had no answer for me yet, and if you did, I'd doubt it
We were confused and wondering what happened to us
I'm trying just as hard as you, so don't you fuss...

I can't remember where I was before I woke here
Settings betray us and confusion brings us such fear...
It seems that you know nothing more of all this than I do
But I remember dying - what happened to you?

Are we dead or are we dreaming?
Please, say something if you know...
I don't have all of the answers
And I'm not ready to go...

The violet castles are the backdrop of our dreams
And yet in subtle shadings nothing's as it seems
I know I fought the dog, and went to save the moon
But I'm not sure if that is happening so soon...

It's funny how this went, the Seer so confused...
If it weren't life-or-death, I'd find myself amused
You have your questions, and no answers for them yet
What are we meant to do when pathfinders forget?

Are we dead or are we dreaming?
Please, say something if you know...
I don't have all of the answers
I'm just hoping it's not time to go...

Are we dead or are we dreaming?
In my mind I still am screaming
Waiting for an answer took so long, a silence I can't stand...
I rode the moon into the night
You couldn't stop my flight
I meant no harm but you would quickly force my hand...
The shattered chains hung out in space
A turning orb, a cosmic race...
You woke as he came swooping down in sparking rage...
It's neither dream nor death
Though I'll soon breathe my final breath
At least you'll be safe, far offstage...

You woke within the moon and wished you could have stayed
I know you meant to be the sacrifice we made
You'll forgive me some day, when all this is done
But this is how the battle here and now is won...

Are we dead or are we dreaming?
I already know...
I may not have all the answers
But it's my turn to go...

This was the way it always went, and I will go...

Chapter End Notes

This is my third song with Rose, and my second where she's the one singing. I should probably branch out more...

The Spider's Defense

Chapter Summary

I'm sorry I keep writing sad songs - I should really write something happier next time. Anyway, I keep writing a lot of revenge-y and vaguely Vriska-bashing stories... so I figured I might as well write a bit of the opposite for now. Almost done with A5A2! YESSSSS!

Chapter Notes

(figured i might as well finish cross-posting these. backdated to june 2016, based on the last updated date for the ffn fic.)

Lying facedown dying
Her fingers smeared with blue
Too tough to be crying
Says she...
Waited and abated
Set aside her venom, meaning to
Forget how she had hated
And walk free...

It's a bit late for forgiveness
Can't choose when she says goodbye
She might ask for a second chance
But they'd just hear a lie
No matter how hard the thief may plead and try...

Played and soon betrayed
Everyone who came to know her
Never could have stayed
But bent the rules..
Taunted those who haunted
But learned how her so-called friends were
Just some kids who wanted
Not to be tools...

It's a bit late for forgiveness
And she can't please them all
There are things they won't forget
No matter how the cards may fall
And if she changed, who'd ever heed her call?

Bared her secrets, shared
With him the things she'd never tell
She'd never known someone who cared
That way...
Second tries were her reprise
For so long till they spoke
Innocence met with such surprise
That day...

VRISKA: So... John... would you like to... go on a date? A... human date? Oh my god, why am I even saying this... this is stupid... but...[sighs] ... I was hoping, after the game is all over...
JOHN: Sure. That sounds like a good idea. After the game, I mean...
VRISKA: Wait, really?
JOHN: Yeah! Also... are human dates any different from alien dates? [laughs]
VRISKA: I don't know, really...
[Voices fade]

She's not what they always thought
But how were they to know?
It wasn't like they'd got
A single clue...
Hadn't tried, and too soon died
Might've stayed but she picked "go",
They didn't know how she'd confide
With the boy in blue...

It's a bit late for forgiveness
Can't choose when she says goodbye
She might ask for a second chance
But they'd just hear a lie
No matter how hard the thief may plead and try...

It's much too late for "forgive and forget"
And they would never hear...
The stories of a girl's regret
And long-since hidden fear...
No matter how she pleads and tries, the jury never hears...

The Midnight Meteor

Chapter Summary

I FINISHED ACT FIIIIVE! (I'm about halfway through A6 Intermission 1)

Hurtling, spinning, turning
Rushing, shooting, yearning
A lonely little rock speeding through space

Passing by the emerald sun
Stirring not a single one
Of millions of worlds it will outpace

It dances through the skies of endless dark
The children hide away, waiting from its core
Skims the void and green upon a spark
The solar wind song of the midnight meteor

They come to call it home
Through the bubbles it will roam
Piercing pockets of ghostly memory

Meeting, passing, say goodbye
All the dead have had their try
The world is shifting towards what it must be

It dances through the skies of endless dark
The children hide away, waiting from its core
Skims the void and green upon a spark
The solar wind song of the midnight meteor

Somewhere, the sister ship sails
Passing whisps of blurred light-trails
Witches, heirs, and crows abound

Their note came long ago
The sole record left to show
That their unseen good friends are still around

It dances through the skies of endless dark
The children hide away, waiting from its core
Skims the void and green upon a spark
The solar wind song of the midnight meteor

Tonight we'll sit on the precipice and watch the ashes fall
Aboard this little rock we'll see the universe look so small
We'll bask in eerie light as shining orbs dart by
Their glow will play the role of twilight fireflies...

It dances through the void of endless dark... (Risen darkness left behind...)
The children hide away, waiting from its core... (Out of our sight, out of ours minds...)
Skims the void and green upon a spark... (Eerie lights of fireflies...)
The solar wind song of the midnight meteor... (Dream bubbles rushing by...)

Flying along, aloft, across the starless night... (It dances through the void of endless dark...)
In endless dark, and nothing more... (The children hide away, waiting from its core...)
The old ones whisper but they never touch our sight... (Skims the void and green upon a spark...)
Their voices are the chorus of the midnight meteor... (The solar wind song of the midnight meteor...)

We listen to the song of the midnight meteor... (The meteor...)
Come hear the song of the midnight meteor...

Separate Roads (Broken Hearts)

Chapter Summary

Pretty much 90% speculation, 10% IDK. But I guess it makes for good drama. Also, y'know, an update.
Guess the singer in reviews if you can! Actual feedback is also very much welcome. Seriously, thanks.

But hey. Why not. Hot off the presses-ish!

Chapter Notes

you have no idea how much it pains me to crosspost this. i had to change the title format at least, for my own sanity. were it not for the sake of completion...

It's been three years
Since we last met
I wondered if that's
Long enough to forget
That you're so different
From the counterpart I know...
And that you won't care...
Maybe I should let you both go...

So I ask, do you even remember me?
Or am I just a figment of your past?
I know you don't care the way he would...
But I also knew it wouldn't last...
You've got a life of your own
And I'll have to respect that, with so long apart
But that doesn't fix a broken heart...

We spent three years...
Flying through a crack
Of the space between worlds
But now we're back
Though we've been distant
Since that one day you were there
What can I say now?
It all seems so unfair...

So I ask, do you even remember me?
Or am I just a figment of your past?
I know you don't care the way he would...
But I also knew it wouldn't last...
You've got a life of your own
And I'll have to respect that, with so long apart
But that doesn't fix a broken heart...

Those past three years...
I didn't spend them all alone
There were worlds of friends
Even if few were my own
But we got lonely
Just shooting through the stars
Without you all here
The ship's a prison with no bars...

So I ask, do you think you still know me?
After so long on different roads
I know you're not quite the same person
And I'm asking for what I'm not owed
You've got a life of your own
And I'll have to respect that, with so long apart
But that doesn't fix a broken heart...

And you spent three years
With ghosts and foreign friends
In your own hideaway
You never thought you'd make amends
I've heard you had your
Entaglements as well...
It seems you're doing fine...
With handling things yourself...

So I ask, do you think you still know me?
After so long on different roads
I know you're not quite the same person
And I'm asking for what I'm not owed
You've got a life of your own
And I'll have to respect that, with so long apart
But that doesn't fix a broken heart...
I'll just carry on with this broken heart...

I'll just carry on with this broken heart...

Chapter End Notes

"Sad sappy-sounding love songs" - I swore when I began I would not write these. Dammit!

Angels Hath No Fury

Chapter Notes

Finally, something semi-recent.

I tried
I swear I did, I did
Intervention, prevention
You paid no attention
That's why I did
What I did, what I did
Was my meddling and stepping in
So worthless in the face of sin
That it's come to this?

And now
You've stood to act, to act
Wand in hand, striking and
Making your demands
So I've no
Choice but to act, to act
A choice I'll make, as I awake
You shot me down, it didn't take
My hope, though it's true you didn't miss

So I'm coming for you, gunning for you
Though I haven't got a gun
My blade will serve its purpose
Carve two half-men out of one
Angels have no fury like me,
Creature of the sun
So if you've hope of living
Now's the time to run

You took
Two lives and still, and still
Your arrogance and violence
Rings out and breaks the silence
You don't
Care for the blood you spill
I was a fool, and you so cruel
He taught you not to break the rules
But you forgot so fast

And soon
By strength of will, of will
I'll be your bane, the birth of pain
Your pride and strength remain in vain
And I
Swear that I will, I will
See your fear, shock that a mere
Mid-green could leave you lying here
Realize your prime was time long past

So I'm here behind you, beside you
Hear your skin come undone
And when I'm finished you'll be
Half a man instead of one
Your angels have no fury like me
Blazing like the sun
And should I find the afterlife
You'll have one more chance to run

Heaven hath no fury like me
Blazing like the sun
I'm hungry now, and I can pray
And hope you do not run

[S] Wake: The Musical

Chapter Summary

For best experience:

Chapter Notes

yes. i am somewhat back on my nonsense. enjoy my horseshit, fresh off the presses

For those wondering: I spent like half an hour listening to MOTI and Juno Songs' We Have Megalovania At Home playlist, and this came to me like a horrible, cursed theatre vision.

NARRATOR: Time's running out.

[Curtains open to FEFERI, in the edge of the Furthest Ring.]

FEFERI: What was that?
FEFERI: I though I saw...?
FEFERI: Wait--!

JACK: [Growls, rising in pitch with the instruments.]

[He kills her.]


[Instrumentals continue until the louder guitars come in, and JACK reaches Derse.]


Burning down the tower walls
Tear this whole damn kingdom down to rubble
Bet that bitch already ditched
But why not, what the hell?

Let her queenside castles fall
If she's here then let her rot with them
Derse, Prospit, who gives a shit?
These kids can die as as well!

Waiting cold and comatose at the core...
For the pyre to raise me higher than ever before
Please don't cry, it's not goodbye, it's something more...

[Backing chorus of Aradiabots adds secondary lyrics.]

This is not the end (It's not the end, it's not the end, it's not--!)
In fire I'll ascend (And I will be alive!)
And despite fate's design... (Our loss is fate's design)
I can still buy some time...!

[She locks JACK NOIR in the time circle, freezing him in place.]

VRISKA: [Spoken] But you know... that's not all that's going on...

VRISKA: Time for the real star of the show.

Hey, Pupa, got your invitation,
Heard you've lost your hesitation
Seems you need educatin' on the
Tale of the spider and the fly

So you're standing up now
As if the tables have finally turned around
You think with enough confidence you can just
Walk up and beat me?!

Well listen, punk, don't think that I'm letting you walk
With a slap on the wrist now you're pissing me off

I've grown a backbone!

Remember who broke it?

I won't let that stop me!

God, you're such a joke, it's--

Charging up, I won't back down
Not gonna give any more ground

Charge on through, sure, like you
Stand a chance against me, ain't it cute?

[She shoves TAVROS off the precipice.]

Come on now, we just ended this vengeance we--

Can't believe her, but I knew she would do it, I--

Look at that, goodbye Pupa, you loser--

I, just wish I'd stood up to her sooner--

I'm still here, where the hell did the viewer go--

[The scene fades out.]

VRISKA: Hah! Last word, bitches!

[Curtains fall.]


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